Engaging with issues of global significance
In order to meet learning outcome 6 - you need to:
be able to identify and demonstrate your understanding of global issues, make responsible decisions and take appropriate action in response to an issue locally, nationally or internationally.
Global issues can involve people, animals or the environment. It is not hard to find something that involves a global issue. The important aspect of this is to recognise the issue and show how you have engaged. For example: if you have played football with refugees - you have engaged with the issue of migration and displacement as well as health and well being. You need to explain how this activity helped the people involved. Explain how you worked with people who have been forced to leave their homes because of the living situation in their country and the struggles that they face in a new country. If you don't know - it is important to find out. You cannot engage with an issue if you know nothing about it.
Ways to engage with some issues
Go for a walk with a pensioner
An elderly care facility in Sabbatsberg (near Vasa Park, Odenplan) is looking for people who can go for a walk with some of the people who live there. Information is in Swedish so if you need help with the language find a Swedish speaker or see me. Read about it here.
An elderly care facility in Sabbatsberg (near Vasa Park, Odenplan) is looking for people who can go for a walk with some of the people who live there. Information is in Swedish so if you need help with the language find a Swedish speaker or see me. Read about it here.
Help record linguistic diversity
Lingscape is a citizen science project about language. It is asking people worldwide to collect photos of signs - monolingual and multilingual.
Lingscape is an app for researching such linguistic landscapes all over the world. Therefore we collect photos of signs and lettering on an interactive map.
You just download an app and head of to take photos of signs. The idea is to map linguistic diversity!
Easy to do and a great way to get involved in a project that involves people from all over the world as well as contribute to knowledge about language and its uses.Help record noise levels
Noise pollution is a problem for many people. If you are interested in a global project mapping and comparing noise levels around the world. You use an app and upload the recordings. Click here for more details and interesting reading about noise and stress.
Stockholm Film Festival Junior
It starts next week but they seem to still be looking for volunteers. More information
Help needed at the Red Cross shop on Kungsholmen
Information in Swedish but you do not need to speak Swedish - we have had other students help out in Red Cross shops without speaking Swedish. More information
Doctors without borders (you need to speak Swedish)
Administrative help required during the summer but you need to speak Swedish - information here
Just now there are a lot of opportunities on volontärbyran. If you are looking for something and need help come and see me.
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