Rhino Preservation Group
A couple of weeks ago this group received a thank you certificate for the money they raised in 2015. Altogether they raised €252 which they donated to Project Rhino KZN - a group of 18 organisations in Africa that are working to protect the rhinos.
This year the group has been focusing on using social media to spread its message. The have a Rhino Blog, an Instagram account: sisrhinogroup, and have a great video on youtube. You can show your support by following them and watching the video - SIS Rhino Video Look our for more episodes about the life of Wakwabubi.
You can also have your picture taken with their 'Save the Rhino' banner and uploaded on Instagram.
Amnesty International
The Amnesty International Group was featured in the Dispatch this week for its 'My Body, My Rights' campaign. They will be collecting signatures this week to send to the Tunisian Government. They hope to get the Tunisian law changed to give women more rights - rights that we often take for granted here in Sweden. If you sign the letter, you might receive a cool tattoo like the ones in the picture here. You can also follow them on Instragram: sisamnesty
Film Club and Film Competitions
Leandro and Shashank seem to be very successful with their film club - they have encouraged and helped several people to make films for the Stockholm Junior short film festival. Entries are due in on the 27th March - I am sure we are looking forward to seeing their great films. Good luck to all of them! If anyone is still looking for an opportunity to show their short or documentary films there is another festival coming up - STOCKmotion Film Festival. It is open to people of all ages - there are many different categories and prizes. Films should be between 5 and 30 minutes depending on the category. The deadline is 25th May. See details here: http://www.stockmotion.se/
MYP Arts Showcase
Despite the name quite a few of the Diploma Students made appearances at the recent MYP arts evening. It seems that the grade 11s are quite talented. You can see a short video of their performance: Grade 11 Band
Don't forget to check your portfolio - make sure you have a project before the end of term. Interviews will take place after the Spring break so try to have everything in order.
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