Gold Cup - Everything is up-to-date. All Learning Outcomes are covered. You are well on your way with CAS.
Green Flag - Files uploaded, most experiences approved. Good start.
Red Flag - Files not uploaded, few or no approved experiences. I am concerned about how you will complete CAS
Arrows - Files uploaded. Mostly Ok but a few details missing, possibly from experience descriptions and goals.
Please check your portfolio. Don't put it off as it gets harder to make up. As far as I can see, everyone of you has an experience that qualifies for CAS - mostly it is just a matter of writing it up correctly. Note that your status will appear on your report at the end of the term.
Reflections and Evidence
Now is the time to start collecting evidence of your participation in experiences. Photos, links, schedules, screenshots, recordings, film, audio, references, certificates, files. All these and more are acceptable forms of evidence. Upload them as soon as you get them - they can be hard to find later on.
Coming Up
Shoe box Appeal - start bringing in shoeboxes. I will set up an box to leave items to be packed or you can pack your own and bring them in. Please click here to see the kind of items that are requested. It is in Swedish but can be easily read with googletranslate.
Build a Ginger Bread House
The annual 'pepparkakshus' competition organised by the Architecture and Design Museum has opened. This is a great way to show your design skills. It is often entered by architects and bakers along with school classes. You can read the details here. The theme this year according to the translation is: "New lair - Stay in new ways". I would translate it more like - 'New Home - live in new ways.' Why not get a group together and make a home! All houses must be delivered to the museum on the weekend of the 27th - 29th November so get baking.
Annexe Council
Just before the autumn break, Annexe council was selling Halloween Candy. The candygrams were delivered after the break and many people were happy to receive candy with messages from friends or secret admirers. All the money collected with go the Nepal Project.
Helping in the preschool
Some students in grade 11 have begun helping out in the pre-school at SIS. Some who had planned to work there no longer can and the PreK teachers are happy to take some other students. This is a great opportunity. Please see me if you are interested in this. You need to have a 'gap' during the school day to be able to do this experience.
Rhino Group blog
Check out the rhino group's blog here. They are having an extra meeting after school on Wednesday to plan how they can spread their message to the rest of the world! Regular meetings are returning to Thursday break after Friday didn't work out. You will find links to facebook and instagram accounts as well.
Helping at Christmas
There are still a lot of jobs on volontärbyrån to help out around Christmas. See me if you need help finding them.
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