- Make sure you have evidence of participation
- Make sure you have evidence of or reflection about meeting each of the learning outcomes you have chosen
- Make sure you have some reflection
- Check you have the correct start and finish dates
- Fill in the CAS questions showing how you have met EACH learning outcome
- Check you have the right supervisor email
- Request a supervisor review - if the supervisor doesn't fill it in speak to them and explain what you need.
After you get the review you will then have a green tick next to the experience and it will lock. That means that you will not be able to alter it any more. That is why it is important to do it in the correct order!
Some of you finished experiences in December and still have not completed the process. If you wait too long, you might find that your supervisor is not able to remember you! You might find it hard to gather evidence afterwards.
If you do not get a green tick within 3 months of completion - I am going to start deleting them!!!!!!!!!!!
Fund raising activities
If you are raising money - not matter what it is for - you must make sure that it is clear on posters, information and when you are selling goods where the money will go. All fund raising should be approved by me first. Any money collected must be accounted for and there must be evidence of what happens to the money. We have facilities to keep money here in the school. You must keep accurate records of all money collected and where it is.
An organisation that works with Ghana is looking for someone (or several people) to help translate their web page from Swedish to English. You can see their web page here. If you are interested, let me know and I will pass on your details.
Are you interested in helping out at the Dutch Easter Celebrations? Click here for all the details in Dutch about who to contact etc.
Plan InternationalSweden
A great opportunity for someone who would like to apply for the chance to be on the youth board of PLAN Sweden. PLAN is an international organisation and this would be a fantastic chance to get some international experience at a high level. Details are on the pink notice board - in English and Swedish. I have spoken to the contact person and he said that you do not need to speak Swedish to apply - and that speaking English is an advantage. You are supposed to be aged between 13 and 16 but if you are 17, and are very interested it is OK to apply. Details are on the website: PLAN International Sweden (in Swedish). I have translated the information here.