Friday 22 February 2019

What is my CAS status?

I know that you are all busy studying for mock exams and I want to wish you all the best for that.  I also want you to check your CAS portfolio.  I have just gone through and up-dated the status markers.  Here is the key to what they mean.

This means that you have only one open experience and have successfully completed all your other experiences.

 This means that you have at the most 2 open experiences but you are on track with the reflections etc.

If you have this symbol you probably have more than 2 open experiences but seem to be on the way to completing some.  You probably need to pay some attention to your CAS portfolio and the notes that I have left you.

This symbol means you are falling behind.  You have several open experiences.  You might not have enough for each of the strands and need to complement with a new experience to make sure you meet the requirements.

Keeping up-to-date with your CAS does not take a long time .- unless you leave it to the last minute.  Take 10 minutes each day to check that you are on track and you will not need to stress.

CAS interviews

Check that you know when your final interview is - link is on a previous post and Google classroom.  Complete a CAS summary and upload it to documents on your portfolio - BEFORE the interview.  You will not be able to have your interview if you have not completed the summary. No interview = no diploma.  Do your own version of the summary, or use the form on Google classroom.

See the link under pages for the kind of questions that I will ask in the interview.

Don't stop until you cross the finish line!

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