Friday 4 April 2014

Engaging with Issues of Global Importance

Global Issues at a Local Level

Last week the Recycling Team held a presentation at the whole staff meeting.  The students wanted to tell staff why it is important not to waste paper.  They mentioned the school recycling programme but stressed that trying not to waste paper is a better option than recycling.  They put across their point from a global perspective.  We can help reduce rainforest destruction by taking action here - in this way we engage with an issue of global importance.

When students are looking for CAS activities to meet this outcome it is not always easy to see what we can do.  Students need to think about global issues and see what is around them.  'Issues of Global Importance ' is a  big concept.  Issues can be environmental, social, cultural, economic, etc.

One of our students volunteers teaching her mother tongue to students who are living outside their home country.  In this way she is helping them maintain their language and culture even though they are a long way from their home.  Some of the students only have a connection to the language through their parents and might not even have lived in the country their parents are from.  By teaching them the language and culture she helps them to maintain their cultural connection. Not only this, but she is promoting cultural diversity within the country she is now living in.

Other students have volunteered at local homeless shelters.  This even led some to raise money and collect goods for the homeless and to encourage others to volunteer.  Raising awareness of an issue is another way of engaging.  Homelessness, poverty and migration are issues that face the whole world.

If you want to engage with an issue of global importance look around you first.  What can you see? How can you help here and now?  Remember that informing others and spreading the word about your activity is another way of 'engaging'.  Help others to understand what you are doing and maybe create an ongoing contact with an organisation that passes on to the CAS students who come after you. Don't let it stop with you.

Meetings next week April 7 - 11
Tuesday - Compassionate Journeys 10.30 C10
Wednesday - Rhino Preservation 10.30 C10
Wednesday - Annexe Council 15.30
Thursday - Amnesty Group to present at Advisory
Friday - Amnesty 10.30 C10

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